
A list of existing and suggested projects that you are invited to help with or start yourself. Before building any of the projects from here, please read our disclaimer.

FreeEMS engine management system

As the name implies, the goal is to create a software hardware pair that is totally free. This project is well underway and being used on a significant number of vehicles in at least the following countries: New Zealand, America, Canada and Argentina. FreeEMS is based upon an existing, readily available processor platform. The Freescale MC9S12XDP512 MCU was chosen because it was the current flagship of Freescale's "chassis" range. Features include 40MHz main core speed, 80MHz XGATE coprocessor, 32KB of RAM, 512KB of flash, and most importantly, more than 90 I/O pins! An excellent and highly versatile prototype board with this chip on it is easily, cheaply and readily available from Technological Arts. For more detail visit the main site which links to other important resources including the dedicated forum section.


David Andruczyk's cross platform C/GTK based tuning application. MTX, as it's known, is capable of tuning FreeEMS along with its original purpose, most MegaSquirt firmware variants. This has been made possible by extensive work done by Dave to move the app to a more modular format. Visit the MegaTunix site for more information, or pop into the FreeEMS plugin forum section for a chat.


OpenLogViewer was originally written by Bryan Harris and has been extensively improved by Ben Fenner and Fred Cooke. It has its own dedicated website which contains links to documentation and downloads.

FreeTherm thermistor table code generator

Fred and Shameem's free highly configurable thermistor curve calculator and code generation tool. It is written in C# and is cross platform. See it here.